Thanks to a generous grant from the New Mexico Annual Conference Endowment Committee, Chrysalis Consulting Center for Clergy is proud to announce a new initiative for clergy health and wholeness: After the Wind, After the Earthquake, and After the Fire.
After the Wind, After the Quake, and After the Fire is a monthly worship service planned around the need of clergy to simply worship. This initiative for clergy health and wholeness takes its name from the story of Elijah on Mt. Horeb. In that story spectacular things happened, one right after another: wind earthquake, and fire. However, God wasn’t in those things. Instead, God is in the sound of silence that follows.
Knowing that clergy are under tremendous amounts of pressure, and that sometimes the sheer effort of leading worship can add to that stress, Chrysalis seeks to offer a monthly opportunity for clergy simply to sing, pray, and be filled, rather than being poured out. Nothing will be asked of clergy “to do,” except to be present and to engage.
Chrysalis is hosting an information session about After the Wind, After the Quake, and After the Fire on November 30, at 5:00pm at the home of Rev. Dr. Scott Sharp. For more information, directions, and follow up questions, please email: or
Currently this model is being explored in the Albuquerque area. Chrysalis hopes to duplicate the model in other areas of the New Mexico Annual Conference.