
If you weren't able to register, the worship services and business sessions will be livestreamed on St. John's video channel. 

The New Mexico Annual Conference will be held from Wednesday morning, June 12th until Friday at noon, June 14th at St. John's UMC-ABQ.  The theme of this year's annual conference  is "RE." Our guest speaker, Dr. Ashley Boggan D.  is the General Secretary of the Commission of Archives & History. By examining our past, she has begun a movement of REclaiming who we are and providing a sense of REnewal and REvitalization of what it means to be United Methodist.  Start thinking about YOUR favorite "RE" word.

This Annual Conference will be jam-packed. We have a lot of Conference business to attend to. We've heard that our people want more learning opportunities, so we've added a half day to our scheduled time and we're bringing back workshops. We'll also unpack what happened at General Conference in April and what may happen at Jurisdictional Conference in July.  Most importantly, we'll RE-connect, pray, sing and REjoice in worship together.  The details and registration can be found in the right-hand column.

Please share this information with your church members.  The registration fee for guests is only $50.  The fee includes a delicious dinner on Wednesday, 3 workshops, 2 excellent speakers, the social event, attendance at the plenary sessions and of course, participating in the worship services.  If you've never been to an annual conference, THIS is the year to join us and REkindle your excitement about being United Methodist.

See you REal soon!