
Guest Speaker: Dr. Ashley Boggan

Dr. Ashley Boggan will offer two sessions during our Annual Conference: "A Vile Past Towards a Vital Future" and "Connectionalism Then and Now".

Dr. Ashley Boggan is the General Secretary of the General Commission on Archives and History. In this role, she ensures that the UMC understands its past in order to envision a more equitable future for all Methodists. Boggan earned her PhD from Drew Theological School’s Graduate Division of Religion, specializing in both Methodist/Wesleyan Studies and Women’s/Gender Studies. She earned an M.A. from the University of Chicago’s Divinity School, specializing in American Religious History. She has previously worked as staff at the General Commission on Archives and History (2012-2014) and the Connectional Table of The United Methodist Church (2014-2016). She was the Director of United Methodist Studies and Assistant Professor Christian History at Hood Theological Seminary (Salisbury, NC), an AME Zion Seminary, from 2017-2019 and was the Director of Women’s and Gender Studies and Assistant Professor of Religion at High Point University (High Point, NC) from 2019-2020. Boggan is a lay member of the Arkansas Annual Conference and the daughter of two ordained United Methodist ministers. Her Methodist lineage dates beyond this, back to the early 19th century when her great-great-great grandfathers were Methodist circuit-riders.

She is the author of Nevertheless: American Methodists and Women’s Rights (2020); Entangled: A History of American Methodism, Politics, and Sexuality (2018); and added to the revised American Methodism: A Compact History(2022).

Guest Teacher: Dr. Tanya Campen

Her session is entitled "Dancing Together: Reorienting our Steps."

This interactive teaching session will explore how the church honors and supports children as active members of the Body of Christ. We will delve into strategies for fostering intentional, relational, and holistic ministry with children and families, aiming for effectiveness and fruitfulness. Best practices will be shared throughout our time together so that participants will leave with ideas and inspiration for the critical work of dancing with children and their families as all grow in their love of God and neighbor.

Dr. Tanya Marie Eustace Campen is an ordained deacon in the Rio Texas Conference and currently serves as the Director of Intergenerational Ministries for the Rio Texas Conference. She directs several grant-funded initiatives in this role, including Faith Formation Leadership Academy ( and Sacred Roots: A Family Faith Network (

Tanya received her Ph.D. in Christian education and congregational studies from Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary. Her research focus is children’s spirituality. She has over 20 years of ministry experience in the local congregation and as a consultant for the United Methodist Church. She is the author of Holy Work with Children: Making Meaning Together.
