“Clergy shall be appointed by the bishop, who is empowered to make and fix all appointments in the episcopal area of which the annual conference is a part. Appointments are to be made with consideration of the gifts and evidence of God’s grace of those appointed, to the needs, characteristics, and opportunities of congregations and institutions, and with faithfulness to the commitment to an open itineracy.” The 2016 Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church. ¶425

Bishop Carlo A. Rapanut; ABQ DS, Ross Whitheaker; El Paso DS, Pam Rowley serve as the New Mexico Conference Appointive Cabinet.  They have earnestly prayed over and discerned the following appointment changes.



Bishop Carlo A. Rapanut intends to appoint Rev. Stephen White to serve as the Senior Pastor of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in El Paso, TX, effective July 1, 2025. Rev. White is an Associate Member of the New Mexico Conference currently serving as the Pastor of Alpine and Marfa United Methodist Churches.

Appointment for week of February 10: The appointment of Rev. Layloni Drake at St. Paul’s UMC in El Paso, TX is concluding, effective February 16, 2025. District Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Pam Rowley, as pastor of record, assigns the following to St. Paul’s UMC, March 1 through June 30, 2025: Rev. Gorton Smith, retired elder in full connection in New Mexico Conference, and Certified Lay Ministers, Kathy Jewell and Bill Wood. We express our gratitude for Rev. Drake’s service and ministry.

These announcements are being made by Rev. Dr. Pamela Rowley, El Paso District Superintendent, who calls us to be in prayer for Rev. Stephen White and his wife Teresa, Rev. Layloni Drake, as well as the churches of Alpine and Marfa, St. Paul’s United Methodist Church of El Paso, Rev. Smith, and CLM’s Jewell and Wood in this time of transition.


Bishop Carlo A. Rapanut intends to appoint Pastor Jared Secret to serve as Senior Pastor of First United Methodist Church of Belen, NM effective July 1, 2025.  Pastor Secret is a Licensed Local Pastor currently serving as the Pastor of Paradise Hills UMC in Albuquerque.

This announcement is made by Rev. Ross Whiteaker, ABQ DS who calls us to be in prayer for Jared and his family, Paradise Hills UMC and FUMC-Belen.

Bishop Carlo A. Rapanut intends to appoint Rev. Dr. Joe MacDonald to serve as the Senior Pastor of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Las Cruces, NM, effective July 1, 2025. Rev. Dr. MacDonald is an elder currently serving as the Pastor of FUMC-Belen.


Rev. Greg Kennedy is currently serving as Senior Pastor of St. Paul’s UMC-Las Cruces. He will enter into retired status beginning June 30, 2025.

This announcement is being made by the Rev. Dr. Pam Rowley, District Superintendent of the El Paso District, who calls us to be in prayer for Rev. Dr. Joe MacDonald and Rev. Cazandra MacDonald, Rev. Greg Kennedy and his beloved Cindy, First UMC-Belen, and St. Paul’s UMC-Las Cruces.

With thanksgiving, El Paso DS, Rev. Dr. Pam Rowley announces the retirement of Rev. Lourdes Calderon, effective January 1, 2025.  We are grateful for Lourdes' years of service and pray for her and Sebastian in this new season.  Lourdes will continue ministry with Tender Care Home Health and Hospice of El Paso.