Conference Board of Global Ministries Grants:

The Sively Award

Organizations and churches for significant work in disaster relief, rehabilitation after disaster, root causes of hunger and refugee ministries. Application deadline is March 15th.  Application to be posted.

McCreless Endowment Fund of UMCOR-Child Related Ministries

Supports mission projects within the NMAC that will serve the needs of children with an emphasis that reflects United Methodist Committee on Relief values and goals.  Application deadline is March 15th.  Application to be posted.

Cinco Estrellas (5 Stars) Award of Excellence

Awarded to churches who meet 5 of the following criteria in a preceding conference year:

  • Paid World Service & District Mission shared ministries in full
  • Supported (financially or in kind) the Annual Conference Mission Project
  • Supported at least 1 Advance Special at each of 3 levels: Conference: JFON-El Paso; Operacion Hogar;  McCurdy Ministries; South Albuquerque Cooperative Ministry; the Storehouse; Sacramento Camp & Conference Center; Abundant Grace Free Store; and UMC Free Stores throughout the Conference.
    National: Four Corners Native American Ministry (#581254); Lydia Patterson Institute(#531532) McCurdy Ministries Student Financial/General Support (#581479); ; Volunteers in Mission, SCJ #(901455)
    International and Jurisdictional: Lydia Patterson Institute; Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference, Mulungwishi, Congo, Endowment Funds
  • Observed, with an offering, One Great Hour of Sharing
  • Shared a mission story with the Conference
  • Sponsored at least 1 person (per 100 members in avg. weekly worship
    attendance) on a UM VIM project/trip
  • Be involved in a significant mission project in the local community
  • Have a GBGM Covenant Relationship with a UM missionary – Support Methodist Missionaries around the world with $5 per church member per year. Don’t forget to renew your Covenant Relationship documentation annually! See the General Board of Global Missions’ website for details ; #3022046 Greg Henneman missionary to Ohio; #3022137 Jennifer Henneman missionary to Ohio; #3021966.

To apply, submit in writing or by email a detailed summary of how your church has fulfilled at least 5 of these criteria. Be specific. (Advance Specials of GBGM qualify for this. )

Rev. Raquel Mull, Chair Conference Board of Global Ministries