Dear Friends,  As we continue to follow the unfolding events in Texas with the aftermath and flooding from Hurricane Harvey, I appeal to every local church in the New Mexico and Northwest Texas Annual Conferences to take up a special offering this Sunday to support the disaster relief efforts and what will undoubtedly be a long-term rebuilding exercise.   

I want to encourage pastors and laity alike to prayerfully consider what God would have us do in this time—Leslie and I have already made our contribution to this worthwhile effort and continue to be in daily prayer for the many families affected by the storm.  Sunday’s special offering can be sent to the Conference Office with “Hurricane Harvey” in the memo line and will be passed along to the relief efforts through the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). 

I also urge churches to share the online donation portal for UMCOR’s disaster relief efforts through your bulletins, newsletters, and social media (100% of those contributions go directly to support relief efforts):

We are a generous people and, at times like these, we can demonstrate the power of our connection by rallying to support the many needs of our sisters and brothers dealing with this tremendous storm and flooding.  Please continue to be in prayer for those who have been impacted by the storm and the flooding and especially those working to provide relief.  Looking ahead, another appeal for flood buckets, health kits, and (especially) work teams may be forthcoming, but in the meantime, fervent prayers and generous financial contributions are the best way for us to mobilize.

I look forward to seeing many of you in the New Mexico Conference during our Fall Itineration! 

Bishop W. Earl Bledsoe