All the pages are created, links are linked and we will launch the new Conference website overnight on Sept. 6th!  It will be ready to view on the 7th for most of the country.  Big Heart Creative will be our host and tech support.  Matt Carlisle, Founder of Big Heart Creative has been a tremendous help in designing the website. 

Because the current website is barely hanging on, we will launch without all of the resources, news and events created.  All the static pages will be available though.  This is indeed a work in progress.  One of the additions to the new website is a submission form which will allow you to send the conference or your district news, events and other content.  

The vision is to represent the whole Conference.  The platform is fast enough that we do not have to relegate information to text lists (which are terrible to navigate).  You will notice lots of images, follow-up pages, and contact information.  

The tone and purpose is to portray all the good ministry and work that the people of the New Mexico Conference are engaged in and at the same time provide the encouragement and resources to keep doing our best and highest – “making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”

We hope you enjoy using the new website and find it easier to navigate.  The overall look and organization of the website is fixed – no changes can be made.  However, if you find content that needs to be tweaked, added, corrected, please contact Alli Newsom, Communications Director at: