Boards of Ordained Ministry (BOMs) are tasked with interviewing candidates for ordination and commissioning, and for setting policy and procedures that follow the United Methodist Discipline.
The districts are served by respective District Committees on Ordained Ministry(DCOM), which help candidates progress from identifying their call (along with their pastor and DS) until they reach the point of being considered for ordination/commissioning. Since we now have 2 DS's and DCOM's, the Clovis District churches in Portales and north will be served by the ABQ DS & DCOM. Churches south of Portales will be served by the El Paso DS & DCOM.
Board of Ordained Ministry Scholarships
The Board of Ordained Ministry can help clergy and process candidates with scholarships particular to their ministry pursuits.
NMAC Board of Ordained Ministry Scholarship
2024 – 2025 Academic Year (June 1, 2024 – May 31, 2025)
Scholarship applicants must be approved by a DCOM as a certified candidate. Questions? Contact Linda Lucas, BOM Registrar.
Please submit completed application to the Scholarship Committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry of the New Mexico Annual Conference by sending it to the attention of the BOM Registrar. The deadline for submission is Thursday, April 25, 2024. It is strongly recommended that each applicant verify receipt of the application prior to that date with the BOM Registrar.
BOM Scholarships Information
NMAC BOM Scholarship Application
Conference BOM Contacts
Linda Lucas
Conference BOM Registrar
505-255-8786, 104; fax 505-265-6184
11816 Lomas Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112
Rev. Dr. Kim Kinsey
Conference Board of Ordained Ministry Chair
District Committee on Ordained Ministry Chairs
Rev. Joe MacDonald- ABQ: email
Rev. Amy Wilson-Feltz - El Paso: email