St. John’s UMC-ABQ hosted an event to discuss how the global conversation about the United Methodist Church impacts the local church. The panel was Mainstream UMC’s Executive Director, Rev. Dr. Mark Holland, Rev. Dr. Pam Rowley, Rev. Josh Kouri, Rev. Lisa Blaylock and our Lay General Conference Delegate, Susan Brumbaugh.

The panel discussed what has led the UMC to the General Conference in to be held in April. From their own unique perspectives, they shared hopes for GC20 and implications for the future. Rev. Dr. Mark Holland discussed several key areas that will be pivotal as we go forward as a Connection. If you’d like more clarification on proposed language changes in the Book of Discipline around LGBTQ issues or don’t quite understand the possible impact of regionalization legislation, please take the time to watch the recording above.

Thanks to St. John’s for hosting this important event.