On Tuesday, March 28th at 6:00 pm MT, Bishop Robert Schnase and other members of the NM Conference leadership will gather with participants for an interactive hour of sharing via ZOOM.
Who should attend?
-Anyone who wants to remain in the UMC even though their church voted to disaffiliate or their church is in disaffiliation discernment discussions and they wish to remain UMC
-Anyone who’s a member of a church that intends to remain in the UMC and would like an update regarding the Conference.
We felt the need to gather the people who intend to remain in the UMC and provide information, connection and prayer. We’ll hear from the Bishop and other Conference leaders. There will also be time for participants to ask questions, share how they’re feeling and provide ideas on how the Conference can best serve the churches that remain.
If you would like to attend this gathering, please register. We want to gather as many people as possible. Please share this email with your congregations, in your church communications, social media, small groups, friends/family…Anyone who you feel would benefit from attending. You will receive the ZOOM link once you have registered.