By Alli J. Newsom, NMAC Communications Director
The NM Conference (NMAC) & Desert Southwest Conference (DSC) Cabinets met for a retreat on Thursday, October 17 & Friday, October 18 at St. Paul’s UMC-El Paso. The purpose of the retreat was to get to know one another and consider some ideas for collaboration.
On Thursday, the Cabinets shared stories about themselves and their respective Conferences. One observation was the comparable sizes of the Conferences and churches in each. Another was that the DSC has experienced similar history in terms of episcopal coverage. A significant similarity was our mission fields: sharing the southern border, the cultural diversity of the areas we serve, several large cities with large swaths of rural lands, etc.
The DSC Appointive Cabinet is comprised of the four District Superintendents, the Director of New & Vital Faith, and the Bishop. The NMAC Appointive Cabinet will be the two District Superintendents and the Bishop.
To help the DSC Cabinet understand the NMAC mission field, the group visited Lydia Patterson Institute (LPI) in El Paso. LPI President, Dr. Carla Cardoza gave the group a tour of the facilities and described the student experience. Of particular interest, was that students serve in settings where they can be lay servants. Dr. Cardoza shared that one student group served for several months as interpreters in Missouri. For a future visit, Bishop Carlo expressed an interest in doing the “Walk,” where participants travel the bridge into Juarez and back, as many LPI students do daily.
On Friday, the group considered processes that the Cabinets might be able to conduct together. The DSC Cabinet described the pros and cons of the Clear Openings Appointment process for consideration of the NM Cabinet. One take-away was that there are important concepts, processes, and tools that the NMAC can learn from DSC and certainly, things like the equipping of laity that DSC can learn from NMAC. The notion of “permeable boundaries” repeatedly came up during discussions. Bishop Carlo intends to meet with the NMAC and DSC Appointive Cabinets jointly and independently as they conduct their appointive work.
Reflections from the DSC and NMAC Cabinet members:
Pam Rowley (NMAC Dean): Through our first combined cabinet meeting, there was a sense of community and family that quickly emerged through our common work. We also realized that our conferences have similarities that make us feel at home, yet different strengths to offer one another.
Kathy: “For such a time as this,” the NMAC and DSC join clergy and laity in connectional ministry that knows no boundaries, only possibility for missional ministry and honoring both diversity and inclusion of both Conferences.
Matt (DSC Dean): Our shared commitment to helping people become deeply committed followers of Jesus who care passionately about justice make working with the New Mexico Cabinet a really exciting opportunity.
Javier Olivares: It was a time of building cohesion and finding similarities and traits we share as cabinets and conferences. It was like when you encounter a long-lost friend. Being in both cabinets brought a particular energy and perspective which I think enhances the work we do.
Timote Piukala: It was like meeting family. I am honored to serve alongside my Colleagues from the New Mexico Conference.
Melissa Rynders: Spending time together as the joint cabinet of The New Mexico and Desert Southwest conferences was a visible reminder for me of the importance of our denomination being rooted in connectionalism. The excitement of the spirit moving in new ways was an inspiration as we look forward to following God’s call and creating new ways to be in ministry to our respective conferences, churches and the world as a whole.
Rachel Gilmore: The cabinet retreat was a sacred time to get to learn more about the New Mexico Conference as we shared stories, hopes, and dreams for God’s gracious work in both of our annual conferences.
Ross Whiteaker: It was a relief to meet the DSC cabinet and to find them so easy to partner and dream with. After spending two days with them I have no doubt the DSC will be great ministry partners.