On March 29th, Rev’s Craig Cockrell and Ross Whiteaker gathered the people of Carlsbad who desired to remain in the United Methodist Church. There were approximately 35 people present. The meeting was held at the First Christian Church-Carlsbad. It was a time of worship, talking about possibilities, and sharing the grief of losing church homes.
Retired Clergy, Rev. Stephanie Harmon and Hollie Granger, New Church Development Team member were also there to represent the “boots on the ground” community-building effort.
Both FUMC-Carlsbad and Epworth-Carlsbad have voted to disaffiliate. Craig and Ross served FUMC-Carlsbad in the past and felt called to gather the people who wanted to remain. The potential in this community to start a new UMC presence is tremendous, as is the faith of these people. Please pray for the people of Carlsbad.
Assistant Director of Congregational Vitality, Rev. Dr. Blossom Matthews will be expanding this work in other communities, where the primary presence of the UMC has voted to disaffiliate. She will host a meeting on April 11th at 6 pm MT for people who live in areas where the local church has voted or may vote to disaffiliate in the near future to discuss cultivating and creating a UMC presence. Contact Blossom at blossom@nmconfum.com